Song Sisters, Artists of the Week!

It is already September 15th, the kids have been back to school for almost a month now and The Studio has been enrolling students both old and new. This weeks spotlight artists are Abby (6th grade) and Joey (4th grade); The Song girls. We love these girls and their family. We especially appreciate that Art is clearly revered as not only a creative outlet but as a confidence builder. The Songs have often stated that the process is just as important as the product.
Abby and Joey have always been a Joy to teach. They are model students that really enjoy learning and seeing their artwork improve. They are kind, caring and thoughtful and they show other kids how to do things if we are a little backed up. We love when our students step up and take ownership of our Studio, it means they feel at home and confident, and that is exactly what we want them to be! This afternoon was quiet so I sat down and asked Abby and Joey a few questions...

Why do you love art?
A: Because I love to make things!
J: I like art because you get to be really creative.
Why did you choose to do art at The Studio?
A: Because its COOL here and I like working with Ms. Priscilla and Ms. Christine.
J: Because its AWESOME! There are so many materials to choose from and the projects are interesting.
How long have you had an interest in art?
A: Since I was little and first played with playdoh.
J: I don't remember but I've always loved art.
And you have been Studio members for a long time right?
A&J: Yes! 4 years now.
What's your favorite thing you have ever made at The Studio?
A: My favorite was a papermache bowl!
J: The Watercolor that we painted and cut out to make a design with.
How do you feel when you are at The Studio?
A: Happy!
J: Relaxed!

Anything else? Like What would you tell your friends about The Studio?
J: ... It's the best Art Place EVER!
So if you can't imagine loving art as much as Abby and Joey, you have never been to our Studio. We are in a very cool place. Once you visit, you won't want to leave!
Sign up for October Guided Open Studio and Print your own Studio T-shirt!